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Will a Child Endangerment Conviction Threaten Custody of My Kids?

 Posted on July 25,2024 in Criminal Defense

Collin County, TX crimes against children defense attorneyParents have a responsibility to care for their children and keep them out of harm’s way. Although raising and caring for your child is largely your business, every state has laws designed to protect kids. This includes protecting kids if their parents seem to show an inability or unwillingness to properly care for their children.

If a parent is convicted of endangering a child, for instance, Texas law may question that parent’s judgment and ability to care for the child. This not only has the potential to trigger criminal charges, but it can also have an impact on child custody, which this article will discuss. If you have been accused of endangering a child, speak with an experienced Texas child endangerment attorney right away.

What Is Child Endangerment?

Under Texas law, child endangerment is when a parent, guardian, or caregiver places a child under 15 years of age in an unreasonably harmful situation. Because this definition is vague, it is often up to a court’s discretion when to consider an action as child endangerment. However, we know that certain situations are likely to be seen as child endangerment because they expose a child to imminent death, harm, or inappropriate behavior.

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Juvenile Justice and Sex Crimes Against Children

 Posted on July 19,2024 in Criminal Defense

Plano, TX juvenile criminal defense attorneyTexas is known for its harsh treatment of both adults and juveniles who are accused of sex crimes against children. Juveniles, defined as minors between the ages of 10 and 16, are subjected to a juvenile justice process that is similar to the justice system for adults. However, there are some significant differences between the juvenile justice system and the adult justice system, particularly when it comes to prosecuting sex crimes against children. Consult a Texas juvenile sex crime defense attorney if your child has been accused of committing a sex crime against a child.

What Sex Crimes Can a Juvenile Be Charged With?

A juvenile can be charged with most of the same sex crimes an adult can, including:

Internet Crime Defense Strategies in Texas

 Posted on July 10,2024 in Criminal Defense

Plano, TX federal criminal defense attorneyInternet crimes, also known as cybercrimes or computer crimes, refer to criminal acts that involve the use of a computer or other electronic device, like a smartphone. Sometimes, these crimes use a computer as a vehicle, like for sending, receiving, or possessing child pornography. Other times, a computer is the target of a cybercrime, like in the case of hacking. 

This article will discuss the different types of internet crimes and possible defenses if you are charged with such crimes. Hire an experienced Texas internet crime defense attorney for the strongest possible defense against cybercrime charges.

Common Cybercrime Charges in Texas

As technology evolves, so do the ways it can be misused. A person can use the internet to harass or bully others, solicit prostitution, breach the security of other networks, commit theft, and more. 

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How Can Bail Help Me Get Out of a Texas Jail?

 Posted on July 03,2024 in Criminal Defense

Plano, TX criminal defense attorneyWhen someone is arrested and charged with a crime in Texas, he or she is booked into a county jail while a court date is set. By default, the defendant — the person charged with the crime — is meant to remain in jail until the trial. However, to allow people to continue living their lives in the weeks or months before the trial, the law offers most defendants an option called "bail."

This article will discuss what bail is, how Texas courts determine bail amounts, and how you can challenge a court’s bail decision. Keep in mind that hiring a Texas bail lawyer is key to successfully navigating the bail process.

What Is Bail?

If you are charged with a crime, a court will likely give you the option of getting out of jail by paying the state a certain amount of money. This money is called bail, and it serves as a deposit to make sure you do not run away or commit a crime again before your trial. If you do everything you are supposed to do and show up to all your court appearances, the bail money should be returned to you after the trial.

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Update: Is it Against the Law to Spank Your Child in Texas?

 Posted on June 26,2024 in Criminal Defense

Collin County, TX crimes against children defense attorney

Discipline is an important part of a child’s upbringing. Kids naturally test boundaries, and adults are supposed to reinforce those boundaries.

Some adults use corporal punishment, such as spanking, as a form of discipline. And while it has long been believed to be an effective technique in some cases, today’s child abuse laws are blurring the line between spanking and abusing a child. If you have been accused of crossing that line, contact a Texas criminal defense attorney right away.

While the article below explores whether parents have a right to spank their children, this update will discuss whether teachers in Texas may spank kids in schools.

Texas is one of many states that allow teachers to administer corporal punishment to students. This means that a teacher can spank, paddle, hit, or slap a student for disciplinary purposes. However, there are three cases in which spanking a child is illegal in school:

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Will You Go to Jail if You Get Busted for Growing One Plant in Texas?

 Posted on June 18,2024 in Criminal Defense

Plano, TX drug crime defense lawyerMarijuana laws across the nation have changed dramatically over the past decade or so. Currently, there are:

  • 25 states where marijuana is fully legal

  • 13 states that have legalized marijuana only for medical use  

  • Four states where marijuana is fully illegal

  • Two states where marijuana has been decriminalized

  • Seven states that have legalized CBD with THC only.

The state of Texas falls in the last category as one whose laws have legalized only CBD with THC. This means that marijuana laws remain in place, making it illegal to possess, distribute, or traffic the drug. These laws are generally severe and could result in jail or prison time, even for small amounts of marijuana.

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What Does Solicitation of Prostitution Mean in Texas?

 Posted on June 11,2024 in Criminal Defense

Collin County, TX criminal defense lawyerSolicitation of prostitution used to be a Class B misdemeanor. This means that anyone who was convicted of a first offense of solicitation of prostitution faced up to 180 days in jail and a fine not exceeding $2,000. Someone who was convicted of a second offense was charged with a Class A misdemeanor and faced up to a year in prison and a fine of up to $4,000.

But that all changed in September 2021. Now solicitation of prostitution is a state jail felony, while actual prostitution still remains a Class B misdemeanor. This means your rights are even more at stake, which is why it is more important than ever to seek a Texas criminal defense attorney if you are accused of solicitation of prostitution.

What Is Solicitation of Prostitution?

According to Texas law, solicitation of prostitution is when someone “knowingly offers or agrees to pay a fee to another person for the purpose of engaging in sexual conduct with that person or another.” In other words, merely offering to buy sex is a felony even if the transaction does not take place. 

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Update: Worst Crimes Committed by NFL Players

 Posted on June 04,2024 in Criminal Defense

Plano, TX criminal defense lawyerMany people aspire to be famous athletes. After all, being a well-recognized NFL or NBA player comes with major perks. In addition to the large paycheck, these players get endorsement deals, free entrance to some of the most desirable clubs, hotels, and concerts, and live lifestyles that most of us can only dream of.

But in other ways, professional athletes are just like everyone else. They also make mistakes, face problems like divorce and addiction, and sometimes even break the law. When famous athletes are accused of crimes, they need an aggressive, experienced criminal defense attorney who is not intimidated by the players’ fame or the prosecutor’s efforts to make an example out of them.

Here is an update to our blog about some of the worst crimes committed by NFL players, including crimes they have been convicted for in the last five years.

  • Henry Ruggs III — Henry Ruggs, a former wide receiver for the Las Vegas Raiders, was sentenced to at least three years in prison in August 2023. Ruggs was accused of killing a woman in a fiery car crash when he was driving drunk at speeds up to 156 mph. Ruggs pleaded guilty to a DUI felony.

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What Does Indefinite License Suspension Mean?

 Posted on May 29,2024 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerThere is something that teenagers are often told as they take their test to get a driver’s license that still rings true in adulthood: driving is not a right but a privilege. There are many laws about driving, and if you are found in violation, you might get the privilege taken away. If you are accused of committing a crime, injuring others on the road, or reckless driving, the court has several options. It might revoke your license permanently, temporarily suspend your license, or order an indefinite suspension of your license. This article will examine what happens when a license is indefinitely suspended and what you can do if that happens to you. Of course, if you are facing this possibility, you should speak with a skilled Collin County, TX criminal defense attorney to understand how best to protect your rights.

How Does a License Get Suspended in Texas?

There are two types of driver’s license suspension in Texas:

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How to Expunge a Misdemeanor in Texas

 Posted on May 21,2024 in Criminal Defense

TX defense lawyerIf you have ever been charged with a misdemeanor in the state of Illinois, it will remain on your criminal record. If anyone does a background check on you for university acceptance, real estate purchases, or employment, something you did in the past can have serious consequences on your present and future. The good news is that some criminal records are eligible for expungement, meaning your criminal history can essentially be erased. This is not a simple, straightforward process and is even more confusing if you are trying to do it on your own without legal expertise. If you have been wanting to get a misdemeanor expunged from the record, speak with an experienced Collin County, TX criminal defense attorney who can review your case and help you navigate the process.

Can Every Misdemeanor Be Expunged?

The short answer is no. Not all misdemeanors can be expunged from a criminal record. To understand whether your misdemeanor can, you need to answer three questions:

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