Collin County Lawyer Defends Charges of Receiving Stolen Property

Attorney for Clients Accused of Accepting Stolen Property in Dallas, Plano and Fort Worth
According to Texas law, many different property crime offenses fall under the umbrella of theft. One of these crimes is the act of accepting or receiving stolen property. If you have received, sold, bought, or were given property which was stolen, you could be charged with a serious theft crime.
The Crowder Law Firm P.C. offers aggressive, responsible legal representation for clients accused of all forms of theft, burglary, and other crimes against property. If you are facing criminal charges because you were found to be in possession of stolen goods, we can help you build a strong defense against these charges. Attorney Darlina Crowder and her team have more than 20 years of experience, and we have helped obtain over 300 not-guilty rulings and acquittals for our clients. Let us put our proven approach to work for you.
Law Firm Assisting Clients Charged with Theft in Dallas County
You probably already know that stealing another person's property is theft. However, you might not realize that the act of receiving stolen property or being in possession of property which was stolen by someone else can be considered theft as well. According to Texas law, a person does not need to physically steal another person's property in order to be guilty of theft.
Section 31.03 of the Texas Penal Code defines theft as the illegal appropriation of another's property with the intent to deprive the owner of that property. Receiving stolen property, also called receipt of stolen property, falls under this definition. In order to be convicted of theft for being in possession of stolen property, the prosecution must prove the following elements:
- The property in question had previously been stolen;
- The stolen property was received by the defendant;
- The defendant knew or should have known the property he or she received was stolen; and
- The defendant intended to deprive the original owner of the property.
Most receipt of stolen property offenses hinge on whether or not the accused knew that the property was stolen. Under the law, "knowing" the property was stolen does not only mean knowing for sure that the property was stolen. You can also be charged with theft for being in possession of property which a reasonable person would know was stolen. For example, if someone purchases an item with no sales tags or store packaging at a fraction of the price the item would normally sell for, it could be reasonable to assume it was stolen. Choosing to purchase the item anyway might lead to criminal charges.
Experienced Legal Professionals Willing to Fight on Your Behalf
If you have been charged with theft because you were in possession of stolen property, it is highly recommended that you speak with a criminal defense attorney in Plano as soon as possible. Individuals charged with receipt of stolen property face the same criminal penalties that they would if they had actually stolen the items. The severity of these penalties depends mostly on the value of the items stolen. Receiving stolen property which is valued at less than $1500 is a misdemeanor offense. Being in possession of stolen property more than $1500 is a felony offense punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and significant jail time. Do not fight theft charges alone. Let The Crowder Law Firm P.C. help protect your rights and your future.
Schedule a Free Case Review
To schedule a cost-free, completely confidential consultation with The Crowder Law Firm P.C., contact our office. Call 214-544-0061 for an appointment today. We serve clients in Plano, Dallas, McKinney, Fort Worth, Garland, Frisco, Denton, Grayson County, and the neighboring areas. Se habla Español.