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Major Prostitution Sting in North Texas Makes Headlines

 Posted on January 25, 2023 in Criminal Defense

"FriscoA local scandal in Collin County, Texas is making headlines. At least 46 men have been arrested and face charges of solicitation of prostitution after a large network of legal agencies worked to catch the men, using undercover police officers posing as sex workers online. Those arrested included a firefighter, a pastor, a high school teacher, and even a semi-professional hockey player. The arrests targeted men who agreed to meet at local hotels for paid sex. 

Charges of prostitution can mean your reputation and standing in your community and family are changed forever. However, a charge is not the same as a conviction, and every person in this case and every other sex crime case is innocent until proven guilty. An experienced Texas sex crimes defense attorney can help fight charges of soliciting a prostitute, as well as any other sex crime charges you may face. 

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Got a DWI Over the Holidays? Hire a DWI Defense Attorney Now

 Posted on January 19, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Texas DWI defense lawyerStatistically speaking, summer sees a larger share of fatal DWI car crashes, while DWIs in general drop during the winter months. However, there is a notable exception to this: The winter holidays. Work and family parties, seasonal depression, and holiday financial bonuses are all reasons that people find themselves out drinking a larger amount than allows them to safely drive home, causing a large increase in the number of crashes that happen around Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. In fact, New Year’s Day is the deadliest day of the year for fatal drunk driving accidents

If you got popped for DWI this holiday season, you might still be reeling from the professional and societal consequences you are already facing. Your driver’s license has likely been taken from you, your car may still be impounded, and you may have gotten into an accident that is extremely expensive or which injured yourself or another person. Whatever the circumstances are in your case, having a hard-hitting Texas DWI defense attorney can help your chances of reducing the charges against you and securing a favorable outcome in your case. 

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What Makes a Child Pornography Charge a Federal Case?

 Posted on January 12, 2023 in Federal Crimes

Texas child pornography defense attorneyBecause of the mass proliferation of child pornography available online, Texas and federal authorities are implementing a widespread crackdown to try to catch and punish as many people involved in making, distributing, or viewing child pornography as possible. The negative view that most people have regarding sex crimes against children means that the public has very little sympathy for people who may be wrongfully accused of child pornography possession, and that authorities are highly motivated to secure convictions, regardless of the quality of evidence. This makes it very important for you to take any charges or investigations for child pornography seriously; if you are facing any involvement whatsoever with sex crimes against children, hire a Texas criminal defense attorney right away. 

Will Child Pornography Always Be Charged as a Federal Crime? 

Being convicted of a child pornography charge under Texas law carries serious consequences, even without the charges escalating to the federal level. Those convicted of child pornography possession can have a third-degree felony placed on their permanent record, fines of up to $10,000, between two and 20 years in prison, and permanent registration on the sex offender registry. Keep in mind that these are simply the charges for viewing and accessing child pornography - creating or distributing child pornography carries much higher penalties, including up to 99 years in prison. 

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Which Behaviors Are Considered Child Abuse Under Texas Law?

 Posted on January 05, 2023 in Criminal Defense

Collin County criminal defense attorneyTexas law enforcement, social workers, and mandated reporters like teachers, clergy, and daycare workers are always on the lookout for signs of child abuse. Unfortunately, overzealous citizens who mean well can cause major problems for parents who are simply raising their children the best way they see fit. Of course, even the best parent sometimes makes mistakes that may rise to the level of criminal child abuse, and these parents also deserve a second chance and the possibility of avoiding a conviction for any charges they face. 

If you are being investigated for child abuse or are already facing charges, it is essential to retain the help of an experienced Texas criminal defense attorney with specific experience in crimes against children. A criminal defense attorney can help ensure you get fair treatment and know the status of your case at all times. 

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How Do Prosecutors Prove Intent to Distribute in Texas?

 Posted on December 28, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Plano drug crimes defense lawyerGetting arrested with a stash of drugs and paraphernalia is obviously a problem unto itself. But what happens when police and prosecutors announce they have the evidence to charge you with drug distribution—or, if they did not catch you in the act of distributing drugs, with the intent to distribute them? After all, the word “intent” implies something along the lines of being able to read someone’s mind; how can prosecutors know what someone’s intent was without actually seeing them do the crime of which they are committed? 

It may seem counterintuitive, but intent is a very important part of prosecuting many crimes in Texas, and selling drugs is no exception. Read on to learn about how police gather evidence and prosecutors present that evidence to convince a judge and jury that you were planning to sell drugs and then contact a Texas criminal defense attorney right away. 

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Texas Parents Arrested After Kidnapping Their Six Children

 Posted on December 20, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Plano criminal defense attorneyEarlier this month in San Antonio, Texas, an Amber alert was issued warning locals to be on the lookout for a couple who took their six children from Child Protective Services. While the children were recovered safely, both parents were arrested and accused of evading CPS, which had been granted temporary custody of the six children. 

Parental kidnapping or abduction is the most common type of kidnapping in the U.S., with much higher rates than stranger kidnapping. Perhaps this is only natural - after all, parents understandably feel entitled to make decisions for their children, and it is hard to imagine anything worse than having your children involuntarily taken from you. Unfortunately, the law does not always see it this way, and parents who are charged with parental kidnapping can face serious consequences, including further removal from their children. If you have been charged with kidnapping of any kind, contact a Texas criminal defense attorney right away. 

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Update: Conroe Teacher Charged With Inappropriate Relationship With Student

 Posted on November 10, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Tarrant County Sex Crimes Defense LawyerOriginally Published: January 31, 2022 --- Updated November 10, 2022


Teacher Pleads Guilty, Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

Earlier this year, we told you about a teacher from the Conroe Independent School District who was charged with indecency with a child for having an improper relationship with one of her students. According to local news outlets, law enforcement started an investigation following reports from the student’s family that he and the teacher were engaged in a sexual relationship. Family members said that the teacher and student had sex on multiple occasions and that the student even stayed overnight at the teacher’s home. The student’s family reportedly found out about the relationship after the student overdosed on prescription medication.

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Is Adult Prostitution Legal in Texas?

 Posted on November 03, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Plano sex crimes defense attorneyMost people are aware that prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts or behavior for money. In Texas, even for consenting adults, prostitution is illegal. However, charges of prostitution do not automatically mean a conviction; with an experienced criminal defense attorney, you can fight the charges against you and hope for a better future. 

What Counts as Prostitution in Texas? 

Any sexual contact for money is considered prostitution; in fact, two people do not have to engage in sexual conduct or exchange money to be charged with a crime. They merely have to agree to have paid sexual conduct, making this a serious crime that could be charged simply by showing intent. Even making an offer could be enough to get you in trouble. 

This is intended to make it easier for police to go after people soliciting sex, although it also means innocent people can get caught up in charges. Having someone believed to be a sex worker in your car, taking money out of an ATM, or just offering to have sex for money could be charged under Texas law. Sting operations are common, and the police often engage in questionable practices as they try to catch those they believe may be trying to hire sex for money. 

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Can I Get in Trouble for Unknowingly Helping Someone Launder Money?

 Posted on October 26, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Plano federal criminal defense attorneyWhen criminals or criminal organizations are taking in large amounts of money because of their criminal activities and need to make that money look like it came from a legitimate source, they will often engage in a process known as “money laundering.” This is the process of taking “dirty” criminal money and “cleaning,” or laundering it, through sources that appear to be legal. Money laundering is a serious crime that is often prosecuted at the federal level. Banks, companies, and even international organizations are constantly renewing their efforts to catch and prevent money laundering, but criminals are nothing if not creative, and new ways to launder money are constantly being created. 

Sometimes, people get involved in money laundering schemes without realizing that was what they were doing - or at least, not to the full extent of the charges they may be facing. Whether you realized it or not, you may have been committing a serious crime, even if you were accidentally helping someone launder money, and you need help from a Texas criminal defense lawyer. 

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What Is the Punishment for Breaking and Entering a Home in Texas?

 Posted on October 19, 2022 in Criminal Defense

Plano criminal trespass defense attorneyMany people are familiar with the term “breaking and entering,” but may not know exactly what it means. It is often loosely used on television shows and in crime novels to describe property crimes, but without specifically providing a definition for the particular crime. In Texas, breaking and entering is not actually the technical term for the crime of wrongly entering someone’s property and stealing something; instead, Texas uses the terms “burglary” and “criminal trespass.” However, in Texas, you may also hear people use the term “breaking and entering” and you can generally understand it to mean the same thing as burglary and criminal trespass

Understanding Burglary and Criminal Trespass

Burglary and criminal trespass are crimes of entering a home, building, or vehicle without the permission of the owner with the intent to commit a crime such as theft or assault. Specifically, criminal trespass is entering or remaining on property without the consent of the owner, while burglary is going onto that property with the intent to commit a crime. 

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